Performance Neuroscience

Monitoring Cognitive State

Performance Neuroscience is a field of research that enables physiological activity to be directly associated with mental performance. This provides objective assessments that allow us to better understand how individuals operate in todays technology supported, data-rich environments. It provides an insight into those factors which limit performance and supports the development of  techniques to enhance human-technology interactions.

Performance Under Stress

To optimise performance, individuals need to be able to reliably perform under stress. Our real-time measures of cognitive and affective state support the delivery of neuro-enabled feedback that is carefully designed to promote information processing resilience. When examined in the context of the immediate environment, training with neuro-feedback allows expertise to be rapidly developed.

Training & Education

Affect In has developed a model that enables changes in brain state to be tracked as levels of expertise increase. Tracking cognitive states, such as workload, provides insight into the development of automated information processing which has supported the development of an approach to monitoring levels of expertise. This also allows objective markers of training assurance to be developed.

e-Sports & Pro Gaming

Cognitive Telemetry

Affect In has developed a technology that enables the cognitive state of esports athletes to be estimated and streamed in real-time. This provides insight into the professional gamer’s level of workload, focus and stress, and enables areas for further development to be identified. This diagnostic approach to targeting the neuro-performance of esports athletes is designed to optimise winning potential.

Defence & Security

Affect In has extensive experience in delivering Applied Neuroscience projects within the Defence and Security sectors. Specialising in transitioning these techniques out of the laboratory into challenging environments, we have focussed on the development of meaningful metrics of cognitive function that provide actionable insight in demanding applied environments.

Exercise & Mental Performance

The technology we employ enables human information processing to be monitored and the direct benefits of physical conditioning to be related to mental performance. Our experience in employing neuro-physiological measures associated with an athlete’s ability to perform under pressure provides specific insight that can lead to improved sporting performance. We have also developed methods to support athletes to perform under pressure by combining neuro-physiological and eye tracking techniques.

About Us

Affect-In is focussed on delivering innovative research and development in the Human Sciences. With over 40 years of experience in the UK and international defence sectors, and in academic environments, we are focussed on ensuring that interactions between humans and next-generation, emerging technologies are optimised. We aim to develop objective metrics that enable diagnostic support of high performing individuals in stressful environments.

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